Penarth Community Festival
West House Community Garden, Stanwell Road
UNTIL Saturday 30th October

Penarth CommunityFEST
Saturday 30 October, 10-2 @ West House, Stanwell Road (Penarth Town Council building)Celebrating local community sustainability action!
Local people, local projects, local food, sharing together Come and find out what's happening locally & find out more aboutthe new Benthyg in Penarth,
Penarth Growing Community & Growing Together Network,Plastic Free Penarth, East Vale Community Transport,
Penarth Tree Forum and Penarth Climate Action.Plus Piotr's Stol coffee, Amanda's Microgreens (bring a container) and Lisa's allotment jam!
Activities will include:
Plant sale- 30am Compost demo
12pm Talk about local food
1 pm Talk about growing lettuceSeed, plant & crop swap - don't forget to bring your surplus to swap!
Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to see updates.
Email [email protected] for more info.
Hope to see you there!