Penarth planning applications: Ten property plans – including 15 new flats on Windsor Road and extension at University Hospital Llandough

Penarth planning applications
Check out this week's list of Penarth planning applications either recently received or decided on by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
University Hospital Llandough, Penlan Road, Llandough, Penarth
Discharge of Condition 4 (CTMP). Planning approval 2021/00231/FUL - Two-storey Endoscopy extension to house new plant room on the first floor and new recovery area on the ground floor. The existing recovery area re-modelled to house two new theatres. Validated: 07/07/2022. Status: Delegated.
Station Hotel, 162, Windsor Road, Penarth
Proposed demolition of existing building and erection of a three-storey building comprising 15 residential flats (C3 Use Class) along with a retail unit (A1 Use Class) at ground floor level, access arrangements, parking and associated works. Validated: 04/07/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Highbury, 7A, Beach Road, Penarth
Variation of Condition 2 (Plan Specification) of Planning Approval 2019/01329/FUL: To enlarge rear extension by one metre, new layout of eaves and reuse of existing entrance door. Validated: 04/07/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Natwest, 2, Plymouth Road, Penarth
External: Remove marketing and made good where required, all to match existing; Remove ATMs, make good, and fill in the wall to match the existing facade/windows; Retain and cover-up night safe; Retain and seal letterbox; All marketing behind glazing to be removed. Internal: Removal of marketing. Validated: 28/06/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
7, Clos Cradog, Penarth
Work to Trees covered by TPO No.10 of 2003: T.1, 2 and 3 - Ash - fell. G1 - Field Maple, Hawthorn, Cherry and Hazel - Copice Hazel and several Field Maple. Reduce remaining Field Maple. Plan 3 Hawthorn. Validated: 22/06/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Natwest, 2, Plymouth Road, Penarth
Closure of branch. Remove external marketing and make good where required; Remove ATMs, make good, and fill in the wall to match the existing facade/windows; Retain and cover-up night safe; Retain and seal letterbox; Remove all marketing behind glazing. Removal of internal marketing units. Validated: 22/06/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
7, Park Road, Penarth
Discharge of Condition 4 (Details / Additional Details). Planning approval 2018/00679/FUL - Partial demolition of a single-storey garage and reconstruction of a smaller garage in the same location. The construction of a rear and side single-storey extension. Alteration of windows in the stairwell. Validated: 22/06/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
72, South Road, Sully, Penarth
Non-Material Amendment - To change privacy screen on East elevation located to new verandah from 1800 high rendered blockwork to obscure the glazed screen. Validated: 21/06/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
First Floor, 1a, Stanwell Road, Penarth
Replace the existing 20 wooden windows with uPVC versions of the existing windows. Validated: 20/06/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
23, Hickman Road, Penarth
Demolition of existing conservatory and construction of a single-storey extension to rear of the property. Validated: 20/06/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
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