Penarth Civic Society Town Walk with Alan Thorne
Bottle Shop by Penarth Station
UNTIL Sunday 17th July

Sunday 17th July at 14:00.
We will meet outside the Bottle Shop by the station.
The walk is titled "A Walk around the West Moor"
We will take in the impact the arrival of the railway had on Penarth and hear about the buildings and personalities of Victoria Road and Square, Archer Road, Stanwell Road and Grove Terrace. We are also promised the sad tale of the demise of Archie the elephant.
Alan's last three walks have concentrated on north Penarth, taking in The Bowery and Daggertown. This one should be rather genteel and we are unlikely to hear about pubs, gambling dens, brothels or seamen's boarding houses. However, it does promise to be lively and entertaining.
The event is free to members, £2.00 for non-members and booking is not required.
See you there.