Penarth planning applications: Ten property plans near you - including replacement windows and garage demolition
By Jack Wynn
2nd Feb 2022 | Property of the Week

Below is a list of planning applications in Penarth recently received or decided on by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
20, Augusta Road, Penarth
Non Material Amendment - Add two new ground-floor windows to side Planning approval 2021/00751/FUL - {Rear double storey extension with Juliet balconies. First floor window to side elevation}. Validated: 14/01/2022. Decided: 25/01/2022.
45, Cedar Way, Penarth
Non Material Amendment - Add two new ground-floor windows to side Planning approval 2021/00751/FUL - {Rear double storey extension with Juliet balconies. First floor window to side elevation. Validated: 10/01/2021. Decided: 25/01/2022.
47, Pantycelyn Road, Llandough, Penarth
Real dormer. Validated: 17/12/2021. Status: 27/01/2022.
51, Cornerswell Road, Penarth
First floor rear extension, detached garage and roof window. Validated: 06/12/2021. Decided: 31/01/2022.
67, John Batchelor Way, Penarth
Combine the existing single and double leaf external doors to provide one larger opening with bifolding doors. The header of the door will be formed in the same style utilising reclaimed bricks. Validated: 16/01/2022. Decided: 31/01/2022.
9, Whitcliffe Drive, Penarth
Revision to Planning Approval Ref 2020/01400/FUL - to include new rooflight 'cabrio balcony system' to front and increase in dormer width to rear. Validated: 10/11/2021. Decided: 31/01/2022.
5, St. Davids Crescent, Penarth
Proposed side and rear single storey extension. Validated: 02/11/2021. Decided: 27/01/2022.
39, Clive Place, Penarth
Demolition of the existing garage and replacement with ancillary accommodation and storage. Validated: 14/01/2022. Decided: 27/01/2022.
17, Cherwell Road, Penarth
Demolish existing conservatory and single storey kitchen extension. Rebuild two storey rear extension and single storey side extension. Validated: 27/10/2021. Decided: 27/01/2022.
Building adjacent to the Former Albert Road Church, Penarth
Proposed replacement of selected existing windows, re-opening of selected former windows, and installation of balustrade and planters. Validated: 02/11/2021. Decided: 25/01/2022. (Withdrawn).