Penarth planning applications: Ten property plans near you – including a single storey rear extension and demolition of entrance porch
By Jack Wynn
16th Feb 2022 | Property of the Week

Below is a list of planning applications in Penarth recently received or decided on by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
1, Portland Close, Penarth
Work to Tree covered by TPO No.3 of 2013: Oak tree in rear garden - Slight overall crown reduction, deadwooding, removal of crossing and rubbing limbs and a light thin through the crown. Validated: 09/02/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
100, Stanwell Road, Penarth
To replace the original single glazed timber windows in two rooms at the front of the house with new double-glazed windows in an identical design. Validated: 07/02/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
11, Beechwood Drive, Penarth
Proposed single storey extension to rear and side. Validated: 04/02/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
13, Countess Place, Penarth
Proposed single storey rear extension and rear facing dormer loft conversion. Validated: 04/02/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
20, Augusta Road, Penarth
Non Material Amendment - Change the cladding to be used on dormer to Millboard Envello cladding, colour Burnt Oak of Planning approval 2020/00184/FUL - Single storey rear and side extensions with removal of existing conservatory and associated refurbishment works. Validated: 03/02/2022. Status: Approved.
11, Marine Parade, Penarth
Demolition of existing rear extension, rear entrance porch and steps and conservatory. Construction of single storey flat roofed rear extension and replacement wall (Amended Plans received). Validated: 02/02/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
Land to the rear of The Lindens, Bradford Place, Penarth
Works to trees covered by Tree Preservation Order No. 8 of 2000. Validated: 02/02/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
16, Arcot Street, Penarth
Third floor rear extension to create additional bedroom. Validated: 31/01/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
41, Dinas Road, Penarth
Non Material Amendment. Planning approval 2021/00691/FUL - Proposed two storey rear extension with Juliette balconies, with single storey pitched roof wrap around side and front porch extension. Validated: 28/01/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.
8 Westbourne Road, Penarth
Work to Tree in Penarth Conservation Area: Yew Tree in front garden - Reduce overall crown by up to 0.5-1.0 m pruning back to appropriate pruning points. Validated: 21/01/2022. Status: Awaiting decision.