Penarth planning applications: Ten decisions about properties near you - including Old Bakery Store demolition
By Isabel Millett
22nd Dec 2021 | Property of the Week

Penarth Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Penarth recently received or decided on by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
20 Wordsworth Avenue Penarth CF64 2RL
Existing garage demolition and single storey side extension. Validated: 14 October 2021. Decided: 15 December 2021.
Old Cottage Bakery, Rear of 15/16 High Street, Penarth
Demolition of builders store and erection of new three bedroom semi detached dwelling. Validated: 12 May 2021. Decided: 2 August 2021. Decision notice served: 13 December 2021.
23 Byrd Crescent Penarth CF64 3QU
Proposed 2 storey rear extension and loft conversion and new front porch. Validated: 30 June 2021. Decided: 7 December 2021.
122-124 The Waverley Care Centre Plymouth Road Penarth CF64 5DN
Retain smoking shelters erected and work to front boundary wall and structures as built. Validated: 13 August 2021. Decided: 14 December 2021.
11 Marine Parade Penarth CF64 3BG
Demolition of existing rear entrance porch and steps. Demolition of existing conservatory. Construction of single storey flat roofed rear extension. Relocation of parking area to the front of the property with infill of existing pond. Validated: 30 November 2021. Status: Awaiting decision.
6 Bradenham Place Penarth
Conversion of No. 6 Bradenham Place from two flats to one house. Validated: 2 December 2021. Status: Awaiting decision.
Land to the rear of Nos. 2 to 4 School Houses St. Cyres Road Penarth
Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans and Documents) of Planning Permission 2020/01232/RG3: Construction of 14 affordable apartments for over 55 years old, and associated works at Land to the rear of Nos. 2 to 4, School Houses, St. Cyres Road, Penarth. Validated: 16 August 2021. Status: Awaiting decision.
Tower Hill Residential Home 54 Plymouth Road Penarth CF64 3DB
Change of use from a care home to a residential dwelling. Validated: 29 September 2021. Decided: 14 December 2021.
52 Glebe Street Penarth CF64 1EG
Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 2015/00829/FUL (for the conversion of existing workshop to the rear yard of 52, Glebe Street into one dwelling unit, four person, three bedroom unit) to alter the fenestration on the front elevation and to add a canopy over the ground floor windows. Validated: 13 August 2021. Decided: 3 December 2021.
Belle View Park Belle Vue Terrace Penarth
Discharge of Condition 10 (Bat lighting scheme details). Planning approval 2021/00363/RG3 - Demolition of existing bowling pavilion and adjacent ancillary buildings, and removal of 3 no. existing trees. Construction of new shared use community building and associated external works to create level pedestrian access at Belle Vue Pavilion, Albert Crescent, Penarth. Validated: 13 December 2021. Status: Awaiting decision.
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