Penarth planning applications: Ten decisions about properties near you – including the bowling pavilion demolition
By Isabel Millett
24th Nov 2021 | Property of the Week

Penarth Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Penarth recently received or decided on by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
Belle Vue Pavilion Albert Crescent Penarth
Demolition of existing bowling pavilion and adjacent ancillary buildings, and removal of 3 no. existing trees. Construction of new shared use community building and associated external works to create level pedestrian access. Validated: 25 June 2021. Decided: 28 October 2021.
8 Beach Road Penarth CF64 1JX
Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Drawings) of Planning Permission 2020/01351/FUL: Construction of a two storey building with garage on ground floor and garden room on first floor. Validated: 20 May 2021. Decided: 27 October 2021.
24 Wandsworth Avenue Penart CF64 2RL
Removal of existing rear two storey rear flat roof extension along with single storey side extensions and replacement with single storey and two storey rear and side extensions with a hip to gable loft conversion and associated works. Validated: 8 July 2021. Decided: 29 October 2021.
25 Augusta Crescent Penarth CF64 5RL
Alterations to existing roof of bungalow and also provide additional accommodation at first floor level above existing kitchen below. New accommodation to include 1 no bathroom and 2 no. bedrooms. Validated: 3 August 2021. Decided: 11 November 2021.
11B-11C Royal Buildings Stanwell Road Penarth
Change of use of the ground floor level from Class A1 (Retail) to A3 (Food and Drink) and associated works. Validated: 16 August 2021. Decided: 19 November 2021.
Arkstone 25 Mountjoy Avenue Penarth CF64 2SY
Loft conversion with rear dormer and hip to gable extension to include raising of existing ridge height. Validated: 23 August 2021. Decided: 16 November 2021.
1D Rosebery Place Penarth CF64 3LJ
Proposed improvements to property entrance to include replacing existing single storey masonry porch, adding a window to the side elevation of the entrance stair; upgrade of existing rear means of escape platforms and stair to make fit for purpose. Validated: 1 September 2021. Decided: 9 November 2021.
Former pitch and putt retail kiosk and shelter on Penarth Cliff Tops.
Change of use from retail kiosk to cafe (A3), including external alterations and the enclosure of an exterior area. Validated: 6 September 2021. Decided: 19 November 2021.
Penarth Delivery Office 39 Albert Road Penarth
Remedial works to the steelwork, render and render bands and re-bedding of coping stones to the building. In addition, replastering works to the first floor internal areas of the Deco Café. Validated: 17 September 2021. Decided: 10 November 2021.
3 Church Place South Penarth CF64 1BA
Work to Tree(s) in a Conservation Area: Removal of dead Plum tree in garden. Validated: 14 October 2021. Decided: 22 November 2021.
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